Admission Enquiry for 2025-26, Courses: 3-year LL.B (Hons) and 5-year BA LL.B, Contact Numbers: 9830495160 / 8777259737, Timings: 12 noon to 5:00 PM
  • Our college is a plastic free zone. Do not use plastic items inside the college
  • The college is affiliated to the BANKURA UNIVERSITY
  • The College is approved by THE BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA
  • WARNING:Student Should Deposit FEES at the BANK ONLY or through our ONLINE.

From the desk of the Principal

The Sarsuna Law College was established in 2004. The college is affiliated to the Bankura University and approved by The Bar Council of India. Many students of this college have come off with flying colours in the University examination. They have proved their capabilities in different fields of legal world like advocacy, teaching and in the judicial service examination.

The college has sound infrastructure including a good library. The library has a collection of wide range of text books, reference books, journals and reports.


The College Building stands in the serene atmosphere of Sarsuna.....Read More


Attendance, Tests & Examinations, Medium of Instruction, Students.....Read More


There is NO AGE RESTRICTION on Admission in LL.B and LL.M.....Read More


Developing the students into well-informed and responsible citizens.....Read More


The students are to participate in Debates, Moot Courts, Mock Trials.....Read More


Atasi Roy Khaskel, Dr.Ishtiaque Ahmed, Smt.Syeda Shamima Begum.....Read More

Sarsuna Law College Library has a collection of wide range of Text Books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, etc. Efforts are always on to keep the library up-dated. Recently the College has installed e-library also in order to facilitate searching of case decisions and references.
One book is issued against Borrowing Card for seven days only. Within seven days the book may be reissued for the next seven days. Reissuance can be made once only. In the event of failure in returning the book within the specified date, a fine will be charged from that specified day till the date of return. Holidays within that period are also counted in calculation of the period of default. If there be any permanent damage to a book caused by means of mark, etc. and/or if any page is cutt off or torn, the erring student will have to pay the full price of the book. Books issued for reading inside the library only, cannot be taken outside the library. Violation of this rule shall attract a fine. Books will be issued to students against their own cards only.