Admission will continue from 9-23 July, 2024 for 3year LL.B(Hons) course and 5 year LLB (Hons) course under Bankura University . All admission procedure online basis on merit. Call 8777259737, 9830495160 Time 11am to 5pm (weekdays only) Tuesday to Saturday.



Students have to attend at least 75% of the lectures delivered in a semester in order to qualify for Unitersity Examination.

Tests & Examinations

In order to prepare the students for the University Examinations, the College arranges for regular class tests.

The admission of a student may be cancelled if the student is found involved in misconduct, activities of indiscipline and such other activities which may be against the academic atmosphere and normal functioning of the College.

The decision of the College Authority in this regard shall be final.The students of the College will not be allowed to organize any meeting, deputation, demonstration, agitation etc. which may hamper the normal functioning of the college and/or create tension amongst students and/or vitiate academic atmosphere of the college.

Irregular attendance in classes, negligence in class work, insubordination, misconduct, etc. will invite disciplinary measures against the student concerned which include fine, detention, expulsion from the college, etc.

Medium of Instruction : English

Students Council

The grievances of the students are heard by the management and faculty members through the Students Council, which will be formed for each session taking one student from each Semester of the Three-Year LL. B. course on the basis of merit. The recommendations of the Students Council will be considered by the college management aptly.

Identity Card

Identity card will be issued at the College Office free of cost and the students are required to collect their Identity cards within 15 days from the commencement of class for each session. The students must keep Identity cards with them. A student will have to show identity card to the college staff on demand for verification, as and when required.

Identity card must be kept carefully in the custody of the student. Identity card thus kept carefully in the custody of the student is not transferable. In case the Identity card is lost/stolen, the matter must be immediately reported to the nearest Police Station. Duplicate Identity card may be issued in such cases on application for the same with a copy of the FIR and payment of Rupees Twenty Five only.